LED street lighting: Unburdening our cities

Each city is unique, defined not only by the individuals who call it home but also by the energy it exudes…and consumes. Projections indicate that 5 billion people (60% of the world’s population) will live in cities by 2050 and, according to the International Energy Agency, the overall demand for lighting will be 80% higherContinue reading “LED street lighting: Unburdening our cities”

IBMS – Integrated Building Management System

An Integrated Building Management System (IBMS) from Messung is a single comprehensive Building Management System for the integration of HVAC, Fire Alarm, Public Address, Access Control, Security, Lighting and other systems. Messung IBMS brings the benefit of better indoor comfort, energy efficiency, safety and security, and most importantly better management of all systems under theContinue reading “IBMS – Integrated Building Management System”


Light defines space. And architecture lighting is an art that entails the masterly, correct, as well as magnificent consolidation of masses in form of light. The human eye is attracted by light. Simple design additions can enhance the effectiveness of any building, turning it into a happier, healthier, & productive environment. Architectural Lighting & DaylightContinue reading “ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING FOR BUILDINGS”

The Road to Smart Cities is Paved with Smart LED Lighting

Why Municipalities are Making the Smart Choice with Smart Cells The world today is increasingly urbanized with reports estimating that 3 million people move to cities every week. This move is largely attributed to better access to services and opportunities for economic and cultural participation in cities. However, the high rate of urbanization has itsContinue reading “The Road to Smart Cities is Paved with Smart LED Lighting”

How LED Lighting is Changing Cities around the World

Benefits of Municipal LED Lighting LED lighting is making a major impact on the cities of the world, whether it’s LED lighting in Nevada, or LED lighting in California, or even Tokyo, Japan. One big way that LED lighting is being highlighted in major cities is through architecture, with building designers making liberal use of LED lightingContinue reading “How LED Lighting is Changing Cities around the World”

Why is Outdoor LED Municipal Lighting So Popular?

Expanding Popularity in Green Outdoor Lighting for Municipalities and Roadways With the high influx of people migrating to urban centers, public lighting has become a critical municipal service. Quality lighting improves the city residents’ safety by reducing the number of crimes. According to the American Council for Energy-Efficient Economy, street lighting accounts for 25-50% of theContinue reading “Why is Outdoor LED Municipal Lighting So Popular?”

4 Best Selling Solar Lights in India

Solar light, also popularly known as a Solar lamp or Solar Lantern, is the solution to environmental sustainability when mankind will eventually run out of the fossil fuels. Solar lights have garnered a lot of unparalleled attention in recent times, which has led to a decline in the employment of traditional lighting. These ecological, inexpensive,Continue reading “4 Best Selling Solar Lights in India”


As a lighting designer, I try to integrate the illumination elements into the architecture as much as possible. Too many times we are brought onto a project after the architectural plans have been completed. The earlier we can get in on a project the more we can collaborate with the architect, contractor and interior designer to createContinue reading “ARCHITECTURE COUNTS FOR GOOD LIGHTING DESIGN”

Intelligent Street Lights Power Future of Smart Cities

Municipal LED Street Lighting is Changing LED lighting is increasingly becoming a popular option, not just in homes and offices but also when it comes to street lighting. With more than half of the world’s population expected to be living in cities by 2050, demand for lighting is bound to increase. It is clear thatContinue reading “Intelligent Street Lights Power Future of Smart Cities”

Best Solar Lights For Your House

Why One Needs The Solar Lamps? Below are a few of the salient features to manifest this idea:- Green And Renewable We need to become more responsible when it comes to the future of mankind and our planet, considering the steady increase in the global temperature. This can be achieved by shifting from conventional fossil fuelsContinue reading “Best Solar Lights For Your House”

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